if you want to lose weight then you simply need to burn more calories and you consume on a regular basis and you can do this by either altering your diet or doing more exercise and if you do what for exercise then the question is which sport is best for burning those excessive calories yes so we've already compared the difference between swimming and running and a rough experiment and now we wanted to look at the differences between cycling and running so to do that we're going to set things up a little bit we're gonna head into the physiology lab here at team bath and we are gonna get science involved today we have chosen cycling and running due to the fact that they are both land-based activities so we can get more scientific with our calculations but also because they're both commonly used to help you lose weight yeah and before we delve into the comparisons of the calorie numbers themselves we thought be worth all looking at the pros and the cons of each sport individual [Music] running is weight-bearing therefore it helps to be osteoporosis through the loading of the bones and the joints secondly the other hand will cause less wear and tear on our joints and as a result will less likely give us an injury running requires a minimal equipment and can be done pretty much anywhere however cycling does require a bike and a little bit more kit although most gyms do have indoor spin bikes so there are some alternatives as well both sports can be social although cycling probably a little more so as it can be done at a slightly lower intensity now leading on from the last point you can of course cycle longer as it puts less strain on our bodies we've chosen to use calories as the measurement today as most people are aware of this unit and it's a simple way to measure energy we are actually they're going to be referring to kilocalories which are the given of a thousand calories as that's the number that you'll get on any food labels but also on your fitness trackers yeah now put quite simply in order to lose weight you need to be consistently burning more calories through your exercise and daily activities then you're taking on board through food and drink over the course of each day well with that in mind let's look at how we can measure our calorie output now there are several options out there but some are more accurate than others now you could use a simple calorie calculator and this is a case of you put in your six your weight your age and then guessing the intensity that you have been working at but you're gonna get a very rough number out of this because that calorie calculator is gonna have to figure out how hard that you were going to give you indication of how many calories you're burning we're stepping up from that would be a fitness tracker or a sports watch which can continually measure your heart rate throughout the activities so it knows the intensity you've worked out and then combines that with the personal data that's already stored on there to be able to give you a more realistic estimate of just how many calories you've burned in that activity so today we're gonna take that one step further yet again to measure our culinary output by using the most accurate of measurement techniques so we're gonna head off into the lab to see exactly what that entails I don't listen thanks again for the use of your lab and your time today we want to look at the calorie consumption comparing cycling to running and I wanted to know how we can do it and how we can actually measure that accurately here okay so what we'll do today is we'll measure oxygen consumption so commonly referred to as vo2 and people here the vo2 max but this will be submaximal so it's how much oxygen you're using at a certain exercise intensity and from that with a few assumptions you can work out calorie consumption and obviously that varies depending on what intents you're working at and we have got that much time today so if we were to pick two sort of levels to work out what's the best tutor geez I think for what you want to do today because obviously you want to look at levels of people might sustain so we might look at level two fairly aerobic work and then probably level four so and a threshold based work which might be zones that people would sustained for her certain periods of time really and you do when we're doing vo2 measurements you see a huge difference in oxygen consumption from the transition from walking into running okay even for any say want a change in speed all right well I'm intrigued to find out what the results that like myself and Heather will be measuring our calories burnt whilst running and then cycling Heather has drawn the shortest raw and will be working harder closer to her threshold in zone 4 however I'll be sticking to a more aerobic capacity at my zone to intensity [Music] most people presume that running burns more calories than cycling so we're keen to find out if this is true and if so what is the difference with both the bike and run completed it's time for Jonathan to do some calculations and work out the cardio Pooh for our respective efforts right we've just about got our breath back Jonathan I want to have a look at the numbers first of all how do my calories come out for bike compared to run if if we looked at it for the hour if we work it out for an hour running it's about 900 91 calories per hour and then Viking is 868 okay so that's a difference of about 124 and then the had a phrases numbers little so tracers slightly higher so reasons behind that is obviously he's slightly bigger so he's using more junior so in terms of actual energy using you'd expect it to be higher so that's 1156 from running and 994 for biking so that difference comes out a little bit more at 212 now I think it's safe to say that we both thought running was gonna come out on top sand our little experiment here which it did considering the wheat betting element of that sport plus the fact that it is more of a full body workout compared to cycling it gives it that advantage however cycling you can obviously do for a far longer duration so if you've got plenty of time on your side you might be better off using cycling to burn more calories but I personally find that running is the easiest way for me to lose weight partly because it suppresses my appetite but partly because when I gets like thing I quite often have coffee and cake which is no bad thing at all now if you have got one of these sports and you perhaps lean towards if you're trying to lose a little bit of weight please let us know and drop those down in the comments so we'd love to hear about that hopefully you enjoyed our video so please hit that thumbs up like button and find the globe wherever is on screen seeking all the other videos that we have done and if you want to see a video that we did of losing calories a little bit larger thousands of them we fear that video here and if you want to see a comparison between swimming and running when it comes to calorie consumption you can find that one just down here