15 ways to lose weight before breakfast | Useful info

15 ways to lose weight before breakfast. umpstart your weight-loss goals before you
even head out the door. Being super strict with what you eat can get
exhausting, not to mention hard to maintain. Luckily, there are other ways to jumpstart
your weight-loss goals that are so easy, you’ll barely notice any changes to your daily routine. But here’s the thing: You have to start
early in the day. Using these early morning tricks, you’ll
rev up your metabolism, burn some fat, and curb those junk food cravings before you even
sit down for breakfast. These little lifestyle tweaks will help you
slash calories, boost mental and physical health, and start each day on a positive note. 1. HIT THE GYM. Getting to the gym first thing in the a.m.
is a great way to start your day, especially if you’re trying to lose belly fat. In the morning, less insulin is present our
bodies. That means when we exercise on an empty stomach,
our bodies break down and burn through our fat stores. In fact, researchers found that those who
pump some iron in the morning before eating their first meal burn 20% more calories than
those who work out with fuel in their tanks.

The same researchers noted that this habit
had zero effect on the subject’s appetites or consumption of unnecessary calories later
on in the day, which means you won’t get those unwanted cravings or hunger pangs.
Apple cider vinegar, a popular wellness trend to help boost your weight-loss goals, might
actually be here to stay. The fermented drink is made up of crushed
apples and added to yeast and bacteria.

Sounds yummy, right? By diluting a tablespoon of the strongly scented
potion with a glass of water, studies show signs of increased weight loss. 3. HYDRATE. Starting your day with water is always a good
idea. You’ll crave more H2O throughout the day,
feel fuller longer, and have more energy. And for weight loss, water does wonders. Water acts as a natural appetite suppressant;
in a study published conducted at the University of Utah, dieting participants who drank two
glasses of water before a meal lost 30% more weight than their peers left parched.

SLEEP IN. You’ve heard it before: Getting a solid
eight hours of rest really makes a difference when trying to lose weight. A study conducted at Northwestern University
School of Medicine found that folks who slept in until 10:30 ate twice much fast food and
half as many healthy veggies and fruits as those who rose earlier. That adds up to a whopping 248 added calories
a day.

(A Mayo Clinic study put the caloric difference
at more than twice that much). Other studies, including one from Roehampton
University, found that while night owls pack on the pounds, morning people are lighter
in both weight and mood. Bottom line: set the alarm. And then listen to it. 5. OPEN THE BLINDS. Letting the sunshine in first thing in the
morning won’t just help you wake up; it can also help you slim down, too.

A study published in the journal PLOS ONE
showed that people who got direct exposure to sunlight in the morning on average had
significantly lower BMIs than those who had most of their light exposure late in the day,
despite what they ate throughout the day. According to studies, the morning sun helps
your body synchronize its metabolism, allowing you to burn fat more efficiently. 6. JOIN THE CAFFIENATION. Your daily cup of jo doesn’t just give you
a jolt of much-needed caffeine. Everyone’s favorite morning beverage is
also a natural diuretic, meaning it helps stop belly bloat and keeps things moving in
your gut.

It also keeps your metabolism up and running,
so it’s especially great to have coffee before the gym. In fact, those who drink their java before
their sweat sesh burn about 15% more calories post-exercise than those who don’t. But coffee isn’t the only morning beverage
that can help you lose weight. There’s matcha, which is like green tea
on steroids. Matcha, a green tea powder, has a concentration
of epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) that’s 137 times greater than that in most store-bought
green tea. The research is promising. In one three-month study, men who drank green
tea equivalent to one serving of matcha lost four times the belly fat and two times the
weight compared to a group given a placebo.

Matcha actually has less caffeine (about 70
mg) in a cup than an equal amount of coffee (95 mg). Too much caffeine has been shown to bring
on the belly fat. So maybe it’s time to sip on matcha instead. 7. DARE TO WEAR DENIM. Forget the dress and heels. Make every day casual Friday (as long as your
office gives you the go-ahead!) A study conducted by The American Council
on Exercise suggested those who wear casual clothing, as opposed to formal office attire,
are more likely to increase physical activity levels throughout their daily lives.

In a conducted study, participants who wore
denim took almost 500 more steps, burning 25 more calories per day than on the days
they were dressed more professionally. That may sound too small to make a difference,
but it all adds up! Just wearing denim once a week could save
you 6250 calories a year — that's enough to offset the average amount of pounds annually
gained by most Americans. 8. WAIT IT OUT. Instead of eating breakfast before you get
to work, try to wait and eat a healthy breakfast once you’ve been at your desk a couple hours. Moving your meal time window later in the
day reduces the number of hours you spend consuming calories throughout the day. According to a study published in Cell Metabolism,
pushing back breakfast time helps you lose weight, regardless of what you’re eating
(but try not to go overboard on the calories).

In the study, which was conducted on mice,
subjects were carefully watched for 100 days. Half were allowed to nibble all hours of the
day on a healthy controlled diet, and half only had access to food for eight hours but
could eat whatever they wanted. The mice with a short eating window stayed
lean, while the others packed on some pounds. 9. PLAN AHEAD. Ensuring that you’ll fuel your body with
nutritious food throughout the day is one of the simplest ways to stay on track with
your weight-loss goals. The better you plan, the better you eat.

Rather than leaving your lunch up to what
your co-worker wants, make sure you’ll eat something healthy with fiber and protein. In a study published in the Journal of Academy
of Nutrition and Dietetics, women who went out to lunch once a week or more lost five
pounds less than women who brought lunches from home. 10. PLAY WITH YOUR PUP. Don’t just let your furry friend out in
the backyard — take him on a walk! Walking more is one of the simplest ways to
drop some pounds. An added benefit of getting up and moving
in the morning is that it makes it easier to fall asleep at night. And as we mentioned (and as research shows),
sleep is a key tool in shedding those unwanted pounds.

In one study, just 45 minutes of moderate
walking five times a week led to better sleep in nearly three-quarters of participants. Walk your pooch those 45 minutes at a slightly
speedy pace twice a day and you’ll burn an extra 600 calories! 11. DO SOME CHORES. Did you know that a messy kitchen leads to
a messy life? Take some time and clean up your kitchen! According to a study published in the journal
Environment and Behavior, people eat 40% more food when they’re in a messy kitchen. Even worse, the research also found that women
who were the homeowners of this mess were twice as likely to eat from the cookie jar
compared to women who kept their kitchen tidy. 12. SAY YOU’RE SORRY. Did you know that being stressed out also
makes you fat? A study conducted at Ohio State University
found that in the 24 hours following a stressful event, like a fight with their husband, women
burn 104 fewer calories than the women who weren’t stressed.

Think 104 calories is no big deal? Think again. A difference like that could lead to weight
gain of almost 11 pounds per year. Next time, say sorry and try and work it out. 13. TAKE A SELFIE. It may sound silly, but taking a selfie can
help you stick to your weight-loss goals. That’s because you'll be able to see changes
occurring in your full body, giving you the motivation to keep up the good work throughout
your day. According to researchers at the University
of Alicante in Colombia, full-body and waist-to-hip ratio pictures make the biggest difference
for people who need some help staying on track.

14. MEDITATE. Did you know taking an extra minute to say
“ohm” can make your weight-loss journey much more efficient? In fact, in a 2014 study, researchers found
that individuals who meditate are less likely to overeat or give in to emotional eating. Just five minutes a day of deep breaths and
guided thinking will help you shed a few. 15. FOOL AROUND. It may sound too good to be true, but a little
extra time in bed with that someone special can lead to even greater weight-loss success. The heart-pounding fun not only blasts calories
(it’s totally a workout), but it also helps you curb carb and fat cravings.

Wondering how? A good romp in the sheets keeps your levels
of cortisol, a high-anxiety hormone, in check. Too much cortisol calls for unwarranted cravings..

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